140 sqft Journey

The base trailer we built from is a Look Moab Trailer - Click Here

We purchased our trailer from Life Elevated Trailers in Utah.

Then we spent about 6 months building it into our home!


Follow us on Instagram and Youtube @140sqftJourney

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140 sqft Journey

Our Journey is just beginning! We recently purchased a 2023 Look Moab trailer and we are designing and building the interior with plans to move in this summer. Follow our build on Instagram and Youtube. This photo shows the 1st part of the build adding 3 new windows.

Energy Dashboard

We have a full solar array with 1800+ watts of solar panels (4 - SolarEver 455W Solar Panels) and two 24v 200Ah batteries.

System built with Support from Matermind Vehicle Power. Check out there site and tell John you heard about them from Mike! He will take great care of you!

Here is the wiring diagram for our rig. This is only provided as an example and should not be copied in any way.